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Journée d’étude : « The European spaces of regulation and capital accumulation at the age of global disturbances »
30 septembre 2021 @ 14 h 00 min - 18 h 30 min
The European spaces of regulation and capital accumulation at the age of global disturbances – Multidisciplinary and comparative perspectives
Workshop, 30 September 2021
Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87386102841?pwd=TjZMWkptNElTMG0wVzA5M1gxQXM5dz09
Meeting ID: 873 8610 2841
Passcode: 390324
Session 1, 14:00-16:00. Chair: Manuela Mahecha Alzate
Thomas Lamarche: Beyond autonomy and determinism. A mesoeconomic approach
Louison Cahen-Fourot: Ecologically unequal exchange and uneven development patterns along global value chains
Frédéric Lemaire: Diversity among British, French and German financial systems and regulatory preferences
Session 2, 16:15-18:15. Chair: Nicolas Pinsard
Ana Podvršič and Benjamin Bürbaumer: Gramsci and the regulationist theory of the international
Joachim Becker: Disintegration tendencies of a late capitalist empire: the case of the EU
Hans-Jürgen Bieling: The European Union in the age of new geopolitics: the struggle over control of critical infrastructures
Organizing committee: Benjamin Bürbaumer (Sorbonne Paris Nord University), Ana Podvšič (University of Graz)